Infodex Marriage Licenses (Luzerne County, PA)

Getting Started

The Luzerne County Infodex allow you to search Marriage Licenses in our online database. Begin by clicking the  Infodex tab.

Search by Date Range 

Clicking the Infodex tab opens the screen below.

You will first need to search by date range. If unsure, start with an approximate range.

Click on the Select Volume drop-down menu and scroll down to the area labeled Marriage Volumes listed below, then select date range. Make sure you note the volume number.

Search by Name

Once date range is selected, the following screen opens. You can now enter a last name to search in the  Find Name field. Clicking on the Search button opens the following screen. 

When you locate the name, you will see the License No. listed in the column at right. Make sure you note the license number.

Go to Document

Under the Select Book Type drop-down menu, select Marriages.

Then, enter the Book (Volume), and Page (License No.), and click on the Go to Document button.

Image Toolbar

The document will load in the screen below.

To download image shown, click on the Get PDF button to open the dialog box and proceed accordingly.