Prothonotary E-Filing


Each filing must be recorded as a separately indexed docket. Do not index multiple filings under one entry. Blank orders go at the end or are docketed as a proposed order.

For the best user experience, we recommend using Google Chrome when logging into your account. If you do not have a username or password, click on the Sign Up for User Account link and create one. 

On the home screen you will see your recent activity including your Received, Recorded, and Rejected Packages. You can get back to this page anytime by clicking on the Home link on the top menu bar.

To create a case, click on the Create Filing tab, then select Create a New Case.

Step 1: Enter Case Information

When the dialog below opens, click on the Please Select Case Type drop-down menu and select desired case type.

The case description will now show in the dialog under Case Type.

Adding Plaintiffs and Defendants

Next, fill in the information fields for the plaintiff(s), then click on the Add as Plaintiff button. Do the same for the defendant(s), then click on the Add as Defendant button. The information will now show in the table below.

Step 2: Add Docket Items

Clicking on the Step 2 tab brings you to the screen below. First, click on the Docket Item Type drop-down menu and select docket type. Then, click on the Choose File button to upload the document (PDF) from your PC. Once file is selected, click on the Add Docket Item button. 

Checking Out

When you are finished adding docket items, click on the Proceed to Checkout button. If there is no amount due, click on the Send to Prothonotary button. You will see the following confirmation screen.

Make sure to review the accuracy of this information. If there is an error, click on the Cancel Checkout button to return to the information. If the information is accurate and complete, and there is an Amount Due, click on the Checkout button to proceed.

Then, enter all payment and billing information in 1, 2 and 3 shown below.

IMPORTANT: You are not done when you see this screen. Make sure to click on the Continue button. If you X out of this page, your submission will not be submitted.

After competing 3 Payment Receipt, there is second Continue button. You ALSO need to click on this.

You will then get a second confirmation screen, indicating you are done.

In Summary: There are two confirmations

The first confirms the payment to the credit card company has been authorized. This is only authorizing the charge, not capturing the money from your credit card account.

The second confirms the system has submitted your documents to the Prothonotary's office.

If you never see the second confirmation screen, your filing has not been submitted and will not show as a Received Package. It means your card has been authorized the said amount of money, but not charged. You will need to go through the submission process again. You will not be charged for your first attempt.

Adding Files to Existing Case

To add docket items to an existing case, follow the steps outlined above after selecting Add Filing to Existing Case.

When the dialog below opens, enter an existing case number.

If the number you enter is a valid case number, the case information will show, allowing you to review it.  

If this is the correct case, click on the Add Docket Items button and proceed, following the steps outlined above. If it is not the correct case, click on the Clear Case button. 

Checking the Status of Your Packages

You are able to see the status of your packages on the Home page.

If they have been properly submitted, they will show in Received Packages. Here, you can also monitor when they have been recorded,

or rejected.

After the documents have been recorded, the county stamps and signatures will show when you go to view them.

NOTE: You cannot view, print, or download any documents you did not submit yourself. This means that you cannot view a document another attorney submitted to the case for free. You will have to search and purchase the document on the website, or go to the county office for this.

Searching and Viewing E-Filings

Clicking on the Received Packages link opens the dialog below, showing items listed in the table. By default, it shows the activity within the Past 10 Days. You can change this by clicking on the drop-down arrow, then clicking on the search button. 

To see a particular package, click on the link at the left under Case #. The following dialog will open.

Then, click on the Please Select Item to View drop-down and choose Submitted Data to see the docket items and their page counts. 

If you choose Submitted Images you can view the package images you have submitted. The number of images appears above the images at left, where you can click on the arrow keys to view them.

You can also view the Recorded and Rejected Packages from the Home screen.