E-Film Reader

Getting Started

The E-Film Reader digitally recreates record books. Document fields are not indexed, so you'll need to know a document's book and page in order to find it.

To locate a book number, click on the Find Film button. If a letter is required it will be listed.

Then, enter the book number into the Book field and click on the Load Film button.

Once you find the image you want, click on the Print/Download button in the image toolbar. It will then prompt you to put in how many pages you want to print from the current page you are viewing.

You can then download or print after you enter your billing information.

Image Toolbar

Click the Frames button to split your screen and view multiple images at the same time.
Zoom in and out by clicking + or -.
Rotate the image
Go to the first or last page, forward or back a page, or type in a specific page number to navigate there. Use the slider to flip through the book.
Set up the screen layout to see multiple images next to each other.